Marina Helps People Claim their Authentic Core Essence.

She brings her compassionate intuitive abilities and background in both Western and complimentary medicine to offer a unique and integrated approach to healing body, mind and spirit.

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Marina Muzzell Intuitive Healing

Marina Muzzell is a natural intuitive and a healer who has worked in the healing arts for over 25 years. Marina brings her compassionate intuitive abilities and background in both Western and complimentary medicine to offer a unique and integrated approach to healing on many levels, including body, mind and spirit.

With a direct connection to spiritual guidance and the ability to see, feel and channel healing energy, Marina has assisted many individuals throughout the US and Canada with their healing intentions, as well as personal growth aspirations.

Marina is a supportive and compassionate guide who will help you move into and beyond symptom relief to achieve vital wholeness. Her work is subtle yet profound, and anchored in a deep reverence for each individual and their unfolding process. As she believes that each person is already whole and contains their own answers, Marinas’ work facilitates remembering and reconnecting with this natural awareness.

Through the use of intuitive energy healing, intuitive readings, hypnotherapy or other modalities, Marina can assist you to develop greater clarity, meet healing goals, and promote your personal and spiritual growth work. Greater relaxation, increased energy, balanced health, relief from long held issues or patterns, increased clarity and aliveness are just some of the outcomes of this powerful work.
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Marina Muzell, Intuitive Healer, Durango CO
Marina’s work has been deeply transformative for me. I have and am currently experiencing deep shifts in all aspects of my life. I have much gratitude and respect for her authenticity, her gifted healing touch, and her willingness to share herself with those of us that are lucky enough to receive from her. —S.S., Durango, COrap

Marina, What do you mean by Intuitive?

To me, being an intuitive means having access to subtle information, perceptions, feelings, images, direct guidance and knowing, that are beyond my own surface knowledge or reasoning. All this information comes to me spontaneously when I deeply connect with another in a healing process.

"Having the ability to know or understand things without any exterior objective evidence." -- Merriam-Webster dictionary

Prajna -- A Sanskrit term usually translated as wisdom; insight into the true nature of reality. Pra means before, jna means thinking or understanding. So prajna refers to the wisdom of knowing that occurs before thought. Also known as - intuition.
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